Prateeti Mukherjee

Microsoft Research India | mukherjeeprateeti01[at]gmail[dot]com


Hi! I’m a Research Intern at Microsoft Research India (MSRI), where I’m advised by Satya Lokam. My work focuses on rigorously quantifying the cost of privacy, communication, and memory constraints in statistical learning problems.

I’ve also worked with Microsoft Research Cambridge to develop privacy-preserving solutions for financial applications, that later became part of the Data Empowerment and Protection Architecture (DEPA) standard in India.

Prior to MSRI, I was an undergraduate intern in the Payments team at Amazon India. In my junior year, I served as a Research Assistant at Aalto University, where I worked at the intersection of decentralized exchanges and applied cryptography, after interning at the University of Turku, where I developed probabilistic models for missing data imputation in low-resource settings.

I am interested in addressing computational and statistical challenges that arise in modern machine learning and inference tasks, by applying tools and techniques from information theory, high dimensional statistics, and probability theory.